

Her finder du vores handelsbetingelser/persondataloven der er gældende ved online køb hos Aquanife ApS

You are of course always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

Terms and conditions for online purchases with us

The trading conditions, which are stated below, apply to all your orders and online purchases with us. You are therefore encouraged to read the terms and conditions carefully so that you know your rights and obligations before you buy goods from us. For each purchase, we ask you to accept the terms of the terms and conditions. You will receive a copy of our terms and conditions along with your order confirmation.

1.    Language 

All contracts are entered into in Danish and are covered by the Purchase Act's general rules on defects, etc.

2.    Prices

All prices on our website are in Danish kroner. Prices at the time of booking are valid. Shipping and delivery costs as well as any. payment card fees are stated before your purchase.

3.    Ordering products

a) Find the items you want to buy and put them in the basket.

b) Go to the basket (check out).

c) Enter personal information and select payment method.

d) Approve the order + trading conditions.

e) We will send an order confirmation to you by email.

If you want to order items that are not part of our regular range, please contact us by phone +45 40 34 13 25.

4.    Shipping and delivery costs

Vi sender alle varer med BlueWater og GLS der tilbyder pålidelig pakkedistribution af høj kvalitet.

The typical delivery time in Denmark for stock items is approx. 3-4 business days.

Hvis Aquanife EU ApS modtager bestilte varer retur på grund af forkerte eller mangelfulde oplysninger om leveringsadressen, må du afholde leveringsomkostningerne til genfremsendelsen af varen med BlueWater / GLS til den korrekte adresse. Vi beder dig derfor give os præcise oplysninger om leveringsadressen.

5.    Payment

Du kan betale med MobilePay.

We do not send per. cash on delivery.

6.    personal Information

For at kunne sende varer til dig og yde dig den optimale service, registrerer vi dit navn, adresse, telefonnummer, e-mail. Oplysningerne benyttes alene til dette formål og behandles fortroligt på krypteret server og videregives ikke til tredjemand. Det er således alene Aquanife EU ApS, der har adgang til oplysningerne. Vi registrerer ingen personfølsomme oplysninger.  



7.    Right of withdrawal

You always have a 14-day right of withdrawal when you shop with us. The right of withdrawal runs from the day you receive your item.

For at udøve fortrydelsesretten skal du meddele din beslutning om at fortryde dit køb i en utvetydig erklæring til Aquanife EU ApS, Hjorslevvej 7 – 5450 Otterup  f.eks ved postbesørget brev,  eller e-mail adresse. Du kan benytte den vedlagte standardfortrydelsesformular, men det er ikke obligatorisk.

The withdrawal period is complied with if you send the notice of exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

If you break the seal or otherwise open the received products, the impairment due to the nature of the goods is considered to be 100%, as we can not resell the products in question after they have been opened.

7.1 Consequences of regret

If you exercise your right of withdrawal, we will refund all payments received from you in connection with the regretted purchase, including delivery costs (but not additional costs due to your own choice of a form of delivery other than the cheapest form of standard delivery that we offer), without unnecessary delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which we received notification of your decision to cancel this agreement. We will make such a refund using the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. In any case, you will not be charged any fees as a result of the refund.

We may withhold the refund until we have received the goods back, or you have provided proof of having returned the goods, whichever is earlier.

You return the goods or deliver them to us without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date on which you have informed us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The deadline is met if you return the goods before the end of the 14 days. You bear the risk of accidental damage or deterioration of the goods during the return transport.

You must bear the direct costs of returning the goods. Please note that we do not accept packages sent by post. cash on delivery.

You are only liable for any deterioration in the value of the goods, which is due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature of the goods, their properties and the way in which they work.

8.    Right of complaint

When you shop, of course, you have the right to make a complaint. This means that you can either get the item exchanged, the money back or a reasonable reduction in the price, depending on the specific situation. This is of course conditioned by the fact that the complaint is justified and that the defect has not arisen as a result of incorrect use of the product, damaging behavior or the like.

Complaints must be made within a reasonable time after you have discovered the defect in the item. If a complaint is made within 14 days after the defect is discovered, the complaint will always be timely.

We will reimburse reasonable shipping costs that you may have in connection with the return of the item when the complaint is justified. Always remember to send the item back in proper packaging and get a receipt for shipment so that we can refund you your costs.

Returvarer sendes til Aquanife EU ApS, Hjorslevvej 7 – 5450  Otterup Når vi har modtaget din vare retur, kontakter vi dig for aftale af det videre forløb. Bemærk, at vi ikke modtager pakker sendt pr. efterkrav samt pakker uden medfølgende fejlbeskrivelse medmindre andet er aftalt.

Information on appeal options:

If you want to complain about a product or service purchased from us, you can file a complaint to:

Center for Complaint Resolution in the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority

Carl Jacobsens vej 35, 2500 Valby

You can complain to the Center for Complaint Resolution via www.forbrug.dk.

or to http://ec.europa.eu/odr

When submitting a complaint, you must provide our e-mail address st@aquanife.com

If a complaint is completely or partially rejected by the company

If you want to proceed with your complaint

If you want to complain about a product or service purchased from us, you can file a complaint to:

The Telecommunications Appeals Board
Axeltorv 6, 3rd floor Th.
Dk-1609 København V

You can complain to the Telecommunications Appeals Board show www.forbrug.dk

or http://ec.europa.eu/odr

Ved indgivelse af en klage skal du oplyse vores e-mail adresse st@aquanife.com

9.    Limitation of liability

Aquanife eu ApS kan ikke gøres ansvarlig for indirekte tab, herunder følgeskader, drifts- og omsætningstab, avancetab, tidstab, afsavnstab eller andet indirekte tab, som manglen måtte medføre, med mindre andet følger af dansk rets almindelige ufravigelige regler.

10. Product liability

Produktansvar følger dansk rets almindelige regler for produktansvar. Produktansvaret for erhvervstingskader og produktansvar, som baserer sig på det i retspraksis udviklede produktansvar, er beløbsmæssigt begrænset til DKK 100.000 inkl. moms. Denne begrænsning gælder dog ikke for personskader. I det omfang intet andet følger af ufravigelige retsregler, er Aquanife EU ApS ikke ansvarlig for driftstab, avancetab eller andet indirekte tab.

11. Personal data policy

We register your personal information solely for the purpose of being able to deliver the item to you.

Personoplysningerne registreres hos Aquanife EU ApS og opbevares i 5 år (5 år pga. krav fra bogføringsloven), hvorefter oplysningerne slettes. Når der indsamles personoplysninger via vores website, sikrer vi, at det altid sker ved afgivelse af dit udtrykkelige samtykke, således at du er informeret om præcis, hvilke oplysninger der indsamles og hvorfor. Direktøren for Aquanife EU ApS har adgang til de oplysninger, der registreres om dig.

We do not store customer information encrypted. We transmit customer information encrypted.

Oplysninger afgivet til Aquanife EU ApS videregives eller sælges på INGEN måde til tredjemand og vi registrerer ingen personfølsomme oplysninger.

Som registreret hos Aquanife EU ApS, har du altid ret til at gøre indsigelse mod registreringen efter dit køb er afsluttet. Du har også ret til indsigt i hvilke oplysninger, der er registreret om dig. Disse rettigheder har du efter persondataloven og henvendelse i forbindelse hermed rettes til Aquanife  EU ApS. Du har i øvrigt rat til at indgive en klage til Datatilsynet, hvis du ligeledes er utilfreds med den måde, vi behandler dine personoplysninger på. Du  finder Datatilsynets kontakt oplysninger på www.datatilsynet.dk

12. Pictures and text on the website

Images and text on the website are used with permission from the copyright holder.

Alle billeder og tekst, der er gengivet på hjemmesiden har Aquanife ApS samtlige rettigheder til, herunder ophavsrettighederne.

Billeder eller tekst fra hjemmesiden må ikke kopieres, gengives eller lign. uden forudgående skriftlig tilladelse fra Aquanife ApS. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. Krænkelse af nævnte rettigheder er erstatningspådragende.

13. Disputes

Enhver uoverensstemmelse i anledning af køb og bestilling af varer m.v. hos Aquanife ApS er omfattet af dansk ret.

14. Reservation

We make reservations for printing errors, price errors and sold out items.

15.   Contact details:

Aquanife EU ApS
Hjorslevvej 7
5450 Otterup

CVR 426758360


Tel .: + 45 40 34 13 25
